Are You Gonna Fuck Shit Up in 2018?


It’s 2018 y’all!!!




It’s been one entire year since I had the courage to be authentic, open and committed  through blogging. Yes, WorldWideWeez turned 1 years old on January 2nd and I’m extremely thankful for having the strength, support, ability and encouragement to touch people through my words.  I did take about 5 breaks {4 in October and 1 in December} due to my iPhone being on it’s menstrual cycle and interrupting my grinding.  Aside from blaming that phone I like to think that it was the universe sending me a sign to take a break, so after speaking with some gems I listened.

2017 proved to me that everything is possible with a great tribe, some imagination and knowledge, as well as:

  1. You will go through some shit but you’ll use that as an excuse or an experience to grow through that shit.
  2. If you want to experience something do it.
  3. Don’t dilute your greatness for the sake of others.
  4. Everyone won’t get what you’re trying to do, so don’t pause your projects due to their lack of understanding.
  5. Doing things out of love, having great character, being genuine and honest can take you places money can’t.
  6. Also…..If you want something CREATE IT YOURSELF.

So this year, I introduce to you the “Fuck Shit Up In 2018” planner.  No, this isn’t your Granny’s planner but I’m sure she’d enjoy it.  I created this planner for the dreamer who needs be proactive; for the thinker who needs to take action, for the idea hoarders to get organized, to empower those who don’t believe and to hold yourself accountable.  Life isn’t about fulfilling another persons dream when you have your own, so create goals and crush the fuck out of them!

Remember the planning portion is the journey and there’s no way to accomplish that goal and get to that destination without it.  Copies will be shipped out by mid January, to pre-order your copy please fill out the form below!!!


Have a Stevie Wonderful Ass Year and Let’s Fuck it Up together!



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